

Aguilar Castillo Love, S.r.l. is a limited liability company registered in the Republic of Costa Rica under corporate identification number 3-102-728381.

All references to “Aguilar Castillo Love” or to “the firm” should be read as referring to Aguilar Castillo Love, S.r.l. or to affiliated firms or companies, or to other entities operating in joint venture or in collaboration with us.  

In compliance with local requirements in our countries of coverage, all legal services are provided only by duly admitted local lawyers, subjected to the rules of professional conduct of the respective regulatory body.

This website contains general information about our firm. It is not intended and should not be used as legal advice of any kind or for any purpose, nor the information contained within should be considered as an invitation for an attorney-client relationship.

For our internal purposes only, we may monitor the use of this web site and record the Internet IP address of users of this web site. This information shall not be disclosed to any other organization except as required by law.

All our communications and any attachments are confidential and may be legally privileged, or protected by the professional secrecy, or from disclosure and/or reproduction.

Regarding our practice areas, not all of them are necessarily available in all of our countries.    

The website is protected by copyright. The reproduction or retransmission of the contents of this website is prohibited without our prior written consent. Aguilar Castillo Love is a registered service mark.  

Homepage image London Edition Hotel